Free fundraising for newspapers, publications, and media outlets

Drive donations through your publication’s website and Givebutter’s powerful donation forms

Create fundraising pages that engage your community and spread the love for local media

Enable multi-team fundraising to bring a fun, competitive spirit across news outlets

Trusted by millions of changemakers at media orgs like yours

Top fundraising features hot off the press

Reach your journalism fundraising goals with Givebutter’s 160+ features. All the user-friendly tools you need to raise funds and connect with your community—all in one place and all completely free.


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Team Fundraising

Add unlimited teams with their own team members, fundraising goals, and leaderboards

Multi-Team Fundraising

Team Fundraising

Add unlimited teams with their own team members, fundraising goals, and leaderboards

Donation Forms

Add secure and donor-friendly donation forms to any page on your website

Donation Forms

Donation Forms

Add secure and donor-friendly donation forms to any page on your website

Giving Hub

Allow supporters to see and engage with all your active campaigns in one central place

Giving Hub

Giving Hub

Allow supporters to see and engage with all your active campaigns in one central place

Accept Recurring Donations

Accept and manage monthly, quarterly, and annual donations

Accept Recurring Donations

Accept Recurring Donations

Accept and manage monthly, quarterly, and annual donations


Meet your donors where they are: on their phone. According to Nonprofit Source, 25% of donors make donations on their mobile device. Enable your supporters to give in seconds using a simple five-digit code. Send unlimited texts and have a direct line to your supporters.



Meet your donors where they are: on their phone. According to Nonprofit Source, 25% of donors make donations on their mobile device. Enable your supporters to give in seconds using a simple five-digit code. Send unlimited texts and have a direct line to your supporters.

Outbound Email Blasts

Send custom, personalized, and targeted emails to your supporters

Outbound Email Blasts

Outbound Email Blasts

Send custom, personalized, and targeted emails to your supporters

One of the things that works best as a business is the ability to provide this validation to our advertisers—or sharing about why people should participate with us—comes directly from the comments on our Givebutter Supporter Feed about how we’re a resource to the community, how we've helped their business, etc. There's a lot of different pieces of feedback and commentary that we captured over time that really helped to support the sales efforts for our business more than anything—and also on the fundraising side.
Ryan Heafy
Co-Founder & COO
6AM City

Breaking news: Givebutter can help your publication raise more

News flash! Local newspapers and digital media outlets across the country use Givebutter to rally their communities, support quality journalism, and raise the funds they need to sustain their critical work. No platform fees, subscriptions, or contracts—just the tools you need to reach your fundraising goals.

Discover more free fundraising tools for your faith-based organization

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